Sunday, December 6, 2015

stages of religion

all religions go through a couple standard phases

stage 1) cult and persecution - the old religions persecute them for being the new cult on the block. try to stomp them out before they gain any momentum

stage 2) middle - made fun of - the old religions make fun of them - OMG you believe in blank? that is so INSANE!!! our religion is the one and only

stage 3a) death - they die out from lack of followers
stage 3b) flourish - they make it to the big leagues - enough followers to survive. they have enough power to reduce the abuse
stage 3c) sectarian splits - get big enough that you can fission

stage 4) stage 3b slowly fades into stage 3a

scientology is still in stage 2.
mormonism is moving out of stage 2 into stage 3b.

all religion is delusion - religion will be treated as a mental illness in the future ... and brainwashing your children will be treated as abuse ("YOU WILL BURN IN HELL IF YOU DONT BELIEVE!!!")

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