Tuesday, May 19, 2015

hillary iraq

In her 2014 memoir, "Hard Choices," Clinton changed tack, fessing up and saying that she had relied heavily on prewar intelligence about Saddam's programs to build weapons of mass destruction. "I should have stated my regret sooner and in the plainest, most direct language possible," she wrote. She went on, "I thought I had acted in good faith and made the best decision I could with the information I had. And I wasn't alone in getting it wrong. But I still got it wrong. Plain and simple."

winning in 2016 ... 2015 05 19

Yup. Here's to hoping that Hillary understands now, how Obama beat her, and replicates/copies pretty much everything that was done on the data/internet/tech side of the campaign.  It is clear that the GOP in 2012 read what Obama did, but completely failed to understand how he did it.  And completely failed to execute.

TL;DR - after a quick look, I am much less worried. There is too much risk and too little gain. Only Michigan is a threat right now.

As to the Nebraska model, are there even bills being put forth in states these days?
It could only happen in states with a GOP governor and controlled state house, that is blue ...
This would really only work in swing states.
And you have to wonder ... how much of a risk is this?

Pick Ohio, Florida, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nevada. Do you concede that you cant win it all, so try to get part? And then only get part of the votes when you win the state?  It would be a giant risk.
Split house - so no chance of a change

gop control of all - so maybe, but is it really worth the risk??

My guess ... is that in the end, there is serious risk in making these changes.
Michigan would be your best bet.
The GOP controls the state, but lost by 10%.  So they have much to gain and little to lose.
http://www.freep.com/story/news/politics/2014/12/02/vote-electoral-c ol lege-change/19788725/
They were pushing a bill, but tabled it. 

Nevada is already part of the NPV!!
I wonder how much work it would take to repeal that law and replace it with a proportional electoral vote law

obama on SCOTUS

My dream? And it it just a dream. But it makes me wet dreaming it.
President Hillary nominating ex-President Obama to the Supreme Court.
1) he is qualified
2) it would cause 2-10% of the population to burst into flames and die
3) and did I mention that he is qualified?

What better way to protect and extend your legacy (Obamacare), than from KING FOR LIFE SCOTUS seat?
The entertainment alone would never end.
My god the GOP would lose their collective shiat.
Could you imagine Bill O?? LOLOLOLOLOL