Tuesday, January 27, 2015

saw this coming

It is quite interesting watching the country continue to grow apart.
The haves and the have nots.
The zealots and the rest.
The "conservatives" (aka want things back the old way) and the "progressives" (aka want to improve things for all).
The educated versus the willfully ignorant.

Marriage, abortion, guns, jesus, gays, no taxes versus ... everyone else.

That the country is equally split over this is even more interesting.

Posted on blakey's page
I remember a conversation, about 15 years ago, in Hyde Park, at Adrian's house.
We were discussing the Nov 2000 election, and Adrian pointed out that we would see more and more of this. Technology and focus groups and getting just enough votes to win.
I really hate that Adrian was so clearly on point and that we continue to see this trend. On so many issues, there is a clear divide which the groups are encouraged to find no common ground.

At least until massive demographic shifts take place.

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