Friday, January 30, 2015

wikiw edits paradigms

=== Natural sciences ===
Some of the "classical cases" of Kuhnian paradigm shifts in science are:

* 1543 - The transition in [[cosmology]] from a [[Geocentric model|Ptolemaic cosmology]] to a [[Copernican heliocentrism|Copernican]] one.
* The transition in [[optics]] from [[geometrical optics]] to [[physical optics]].
* 1687 - The transition in [[mechanics]] from [[Aristotelian mechanics]] to [[classical mechanics]].
* The acceptance of the theory of [[biogenesis]], that [[omne vivum ex ovo|all life comes from life]], as opposed to the theory of [[spontaneous generation]], which began in the 17th century and was not complete until the 19th century with [[Louis Pasteur]].
* 1543 - The acceptance of the work of [[Andreas Vesalius]], whose work ''[[De humani corporis fabrica]]'' corrected the numerous errors in the previously-held system created by [[Galen]].
* The transition between the worldview of [[Newtonian physics]] and the [[Albert Einstein|Einsteinian]] [[Theory of relativity|relativistic]] worldview.
* 1905 - The development of [[quantum mechanics]], which replaced [[classical mechanics]] at microscopic scales.
* 1905 - The transition from the [[luminiferous aether]] present in [[space]] to [[electromagnetic radiation]] in [[spacetime]].
* 1912 - The acceptance of [[plate tectonics]] as the explanation for large-scale geologic changes.
* The development of [[absolute dating]].
* 1783 - The acceptance of [[Lavoisier]]'s theory of chemical reactions and combustion in place of [[phlogiston theory]], known as the [[Chemical Revolution]].
* 1866 - The acceptance of [[Mendelian inheritance]], as opposed to [[pangenesis]] in the early 20th century

Paradigm Shifts vs Breakthroughs or discoveries

I THINK that this is what I sort of was looking for.
THanks for forcing me to be more concise with terms to nail it down.
I have been struggling with proper phrasing and words, leading to ... well conversations that are less interesting.

And yes, there are paradigm shifts in society. Women and children as property.
Debt lasting forever and being inherited by the children.
Of course thse shifts are neither perfect, nor universal

the section on natural science has a pretty good list ...

paradigm shift (or revolutionary science) is, according to Thomas Kuhn, in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science. It is in contrast to his idea of normal science. Normal science is refinements within the paradigm, which have breakthroughs and HUGE CHANGES, but are still within the paradigm.

THIS was the idea that I was looking for ....
And to be clear, people differ on accepting the theory, what really is a paradigm ... etc etc et

and I LOVE THIS ....
and HOW do you show this to your kids?!

The Day the Universe Changed

if they havent, get them NOW, they will LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

JSON viewer

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Pete's First Impressions

Helix = Resident Evil + Andromeda Strain + The Thing + Alien + Aliens + SyFy
So far so good.
Not fantastic, but not terrible.  Very enjoyable at times.  Some very interesting visuals.
Silver Eyes. Heads in Jars.

Classic virus research story. All the usual good guys and bad guys.  Just enough twists to be fun and worth continuing.

Music is sublime to perfect.

saw this coming

It is quite interesting watching the country continue to grow apart.
The haves and the have nots.
The zealots and the rest.
The "conservatives" (aka want things back the old way) and the "progressives" (aka want to improve things for all).
The educated versus the willfully ignorant.

Marriage, abortion, guns, jesus, gays, no taxes versus ... everyone else.

That the country is equally split over this is even more interesting.

Posted on blakey's page
I remember a conversation, about 15 years ago, in Hyde Park, at Adrian's house.
We were discussing the Nov 2000 election, and Adrian pointed out that we would see more and more of this. Technology and focus groups and getting just enough votes to win.
I really hate that Adrian was so clearly on point and that we continue to see this trend. On so many issues, there is a clear divide which the groups are encouraged to find no common ground.

At least until massive demographic shifts take place.

quotes from B5

G'Kar turns to Vir. He slices his hand, letting the blood drip on the floor. "Dead... dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead... How do you apologize to them?"

"I can't," Vir admits.

"Then I cannot forgive," G'Kar tells him, and walks away

and this is also why there will never be peace in the middle east

Thursday, January 22, 2015


Sub testlogin()

    fileUrl = "http://longurlwithparams"

    Set WHTTP = CreateObject("WinHTTP.WinHTTPrequest.5.1")

    WHTTP.Open "GET", fileUrl, False


    MsgBox WHTTP.Status
    MsgBox WHTTP.ResponseText
    MsgBox WHTTP.ResponseBody
    MsgBox WHTTP.GetAllResponseHeaders

    Set WHTTP = Nothing

End Sub

I have called a URL in excel and gotten the result ... WOOT
Option Explicit

Sub DoSomeJob()
Const sUrl As String = ""

Dim oRequest As WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
Dim sResult As String

On Error GoTo Err_DoSomeJob

Set oRequest = New WinHttp.WinHttpRequest
With oRequest
    .Open "GET", sUrl, True
    .SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
    .Send "{range:9129370}"
    sResult = .ResponseText
    Debug.Print sResult
    sResult = oRequest.Status
    Debug.Print sResult
End With

    On Error Resume Next
    Set oRequest = Nothing
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, Err.Number
    Resume Exit_DoSomeJob

End Sub

google search engine try #2

1) create custom search engine

2) get api key
think this is already done

3) read introduction

4) simple example using REST (code inside of HTML)

5) libraries and samples - including java, javascript and .NET

901) AWESOME apis-explorer
You can use this to test things by hand with ZERO CODE
returns the code fragment (GET with options)
and returns the results

perfect for testing and learning, etc etc etc

902) NUGET
extension manager ... shudder
installed the commandline version - took 10 seconds
copied to c:\windows cause stupid PATHS !@#!@#!@#!@#

902) install package
nuget install  Google.Apis.Customsearch.v1
worked but I dont know what that means !!

yay location

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

most of africa is north of the equator
99% of the US is west of south america
almost all of europe is north of NYC

we really have a warped view of the world