Sunday, February 16, 2014

London July 2014

So I am in England for a week this summer, mostly London.
Been there before, I have a list of things that I havent done and want to do,  do again, and did before and MEH, not doing again.

Been there Done That
Tower of London
British Museum
Royal George for a Musical
Castle Dover
Castle Leads

Would do again
Westminster Abbey - really worth doing

Going to do this trip
Royal Shakespaere Company - unless they have nothing on ;-) Matilda ???

Thinking about doing
Old London - the strange that still exists from long ago
The Eye
Ed's Easy Diner? LOL
Saatchi Gallery
Cardiff ? HAHAHHA HAHAH Stupid Torchwood and Dr Who
Double Decker Bus Tour

Thought from the rest of you??