Sunday, November 3, 2013

Facebook Changed the World

The world has CHANGED.

I have people who are FB friends.
More than strangers, less than close friends (in the normal definition).
I have friend who I have met through games (wow in my case).
More than strangers, less than traditional close friends.

Does having not met some of these people in real life make them less than friends?
Well that is the NEW PART. The world has changed. Some I have met, some I will meet, some I never will. But some have become very close in strange, wonderful ways.

There is Patricio. A modern day Renaissance man. Just amazing stories and times. (and a trip to mexico will solve the never having met in RL)
There is Mélanie with one of the most amazing kids.

But the list goes on and on.
The people who are friend of a friend. Who we touch so briefly. So lightly.
Pictures of happenings. Moments shared.
Are they less meaning full because we have never met in RL?

To dismiss them out of hand, well, it feels like such an insult to me. And more so, to them.

Then there are the people, friends that were long, long gone, that I have reconnected with. I had dinner and saw a talk with a long lost friend from college, it was amazing. Like we hadnt stopped. Except for all the new stuff. Good and Bad.

Make what you will out of it.
But Facebook has changed the world.
Like all new things, there has been great good from it.
And great evil.

But dont you dare dismiss it. Because that is so simplistic.

And insulting.
To me.

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