Sunday, December 2, 2012

Two Books and an Email to my friend Denise

The Signal and The Noise
You're Not as Crazy as I Thought (But You're Still Wrong): Conversations between a Die-Hard Liberal and a Devoted Conservative

I finished the signal and the noise. I love the book!!
Bayesian Theorem and Stumbling on Happiness are perfect adjuncts.
One tells you to trust other "good" recommendations, even when your priors might be low.
The other one tells you to NOT SET PRIORS at 0 or 1 FFS YOU MORON!!!!

Ann has recommended at least 1 book which I thought I would not like at all.
My prior was ZERO. After YEARS of yelling at me to read it, I finally did.
It is now one of my top favorite books (in the fantasy genre).

The Game of Thrones (book) was recommended to me by a GREAT source for recommendations. I bought, it sat at home for 5+ years. My prior was ZERO. It was almost impossible for me to collect new data by actually READING THE BOOK. It is now my number 2 series of all time. period. (it was only replaced yesterday, and it could retake the lead if it ends perfectly.)

So signals and noise was great at getting me to think about things SLIGHTLY differently. Setting priors to .01 or .99, instead or 0 and 1!!

So I started reading the new NPR book: You're Not as Crazy as I Thought (But You're Still Wrong): Conversations between a Die-Hard Liberal and a Devoted Conservative (stupid cut and paste)

So my priors are as follows: I thought that the book would be VERY good after listening to the audio segment. - prior - .8
So far, the book has been GREAT.
You can borrow it when I see you next or get it from the library.
 You will enjoy it. (my stumbling/a prior number for YOU is about .9!!!) (Can you tell that I am REALLY enjoying this new game?? Bwahahahahaha)

I have struggled with the idea that it would CHANGE how I could talk to "those" people, I didnt set a prior, but my current prior is .1? So at least it is not zero. While reading, I agree and highly value their thoughts and ideas, I struggle to find where it could ever be used in real life. So many people are stuck in the 0 or 1 space. While it doesnt mean that I have stay there, it makes talking to them such a massive chore.

Liz and Ron My priors of ever wanting to talk to them again: 0.
I am struggling with EVER wanting to increase that number.
After 16+ years of constant, degrading comments, directed at me and everyone who thinks even closely like me, I find that the evidence just kept re-enforcing the probability that they will say something HATEFUL. 

The audio program showed how hard that was to get the sister to even come on the show to talk. LOL
And she was at least willing to TALK, to admit that her sister was a "good" person ...

In the end, I guess that I am going to use my energy that I have in places which have number higher than the current zero, rather than spend energy trying to change the zero to 0.0000001 LOL

Ashley - here is a GREAT place to increase my priors and spend more time and energy.
Health - here is a GREAT place to increase my priors and work harder to find a doctor and a diagnosis!!
Dating - Well certainly once I sleep again, it would be nice to start even pretending to think about that again. It has been close to impossible given that the sleep insanity is back again .... Here is to HOPING that the latest blood tests show SOMETHING. ANYTHING!!! If not, time for more tests and more doctors!!

WHAT THE FUCK, this got long!!
miss you like crazy
here is to hoping you find a little time in your crazy crazy schedule

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