Monday, September 20, 2010

the Fine Rule - things we developed at work

something that we started using in my office circa 2000. getting my boss to buy in was the easiest thing I have ever done. fine.

the Fine Rule

a) fine - fine. I have bought your argument. we can move on to the next step/topic. You ahve convinced me. I do not require the rest of your sales pitch.
b) got it - no really, I understand what you are saying. got it. we can move on.
c) shut up - now you are just talking to hear yourself talk. I got it 5 mins ago and you wont shut up alreay. no really shut up.
d) SHUT UP - escalate as loud as your wish. they are so rude and self-centered that there is no need to even pretend to be polite to them.

We found that while working, we would run into people trying to sell us on their idea. they would have this long explanation/rationalization prepared in advance. guessing that we wouldn't or couldn't understand them if they explained the idea at a high level. Their psychological commitment to their pitch was such that you had trouble getting them to stop, long after you died of boredom. this was particularly true of slideshows/presentations. we spent all this effort putting together the pitch? dont you want to see it all? NO!!

Our goal was to stop wasting time and get on with our jobs.
(if you have said fine already, you should have stopped reading lines ago. there really is nothing else to add)

one caveat or problem is that idiots dont like the fine rule. they want to her themselves talk. they think it makes them sound smart. I find this a good thing.

ME: Fine. next topic.
Idiot: but I have finished yet.
ME: I got it. you dont have to explain more. what's next?
Idiot: your aren't listening.
ME: shut up. (unless they are a senior manager and then I have an emergency bathroom break. practice fake puking is good for this. and then dont come back)

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