Thursday, May 6, 2010

Things I have seen DIE in my lifetime (or will see die)

glimpses of the coming singularity

TAPE (vhs, audio, computer)
VINYL - sure you can still buy them, but compared to the PAST? they are DEAD DEAD DEAD
CRTS (tv and computer monitor)
PDAs - we now have smart phones
pagers - hahahahahaa
Rotary Phones - Pulse dialing vs touch tone
Music Stores - 2011 03 11
space shuttle and US manned space missions
book stores
video stores
floppy drives and disks - thanks derek (moved from dying)

favorites - being replaced by google and type link lists
printing google maps
children being buried near their parents - kids are moving FAR from home
writing checks and going to the bank
cell phone - see PDAs
land lines
35mm film

Came back from the Dead
3D movies!!

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