Sunday, June 16, 2024

Adhd videos

Adhd videos

How to know if you have ADHD.

ADHD in women

ADHD and relationships

(They all make me cry. Good cry. But THIS ONE fucked me up. Every relationship suffered because of my undiagnosed ADHD)

This video STUNNED me.

Normally I hate when another person joins a video.

This GUY ...whew. 

PysD.  ADHD. Late diagnosed autism!!

Oh right, and they're dating. 

Fucking adorable. 

And it sounds like he coined "relationship accommodations"!!!!

Their discussion on TOUCH was stunning. 

Their discussion on TIME blew me away. 

"Write me a love letter" oops, she didn't give him a due date.

(100% chance of bawling)

Her Brain and Heart video ...

Brains are the peeps with ADHD. 

Hearts are the people without (or undiagnosed) ADHD, but who watch the videos to help understand the people in their lives. 

Her Ted talk is "old" and she has refined a lot. But ...

It might be the best place to start. 

Her TED talk