Read this book.
It explains everything.
1. GREAT easy read.
2. Each chapter documents the research backing up the chapter. In detail.
3. Once you believe one batshit crazy thing, the next one is easier.
Let’s follow their insanity.
Jesus is god and anyone who questions that should be killed.
Jews killed baby Jesus and we must kill them. Whoops can’t say that where THEY can hear us.
White people are CLEARLY better than brown people.
Democrats are all godless atheists, who love pedophiles and degenerates.
Cops are perfect. They should have just followed orders.
Trump is god.
Trump said that the election was stolen. Kill all the libtards!!!
Faux news said so, therefore, it must be true.
The mainstream media is all lies.
These lies, their whole lives are just TOO big to ever change.
Look at how insanely hard it is for people to quit religion?
Fucking Catholics ACCEPT PEDOPHILE priests. Rather than admit, their god loves fucking little kids.
Pete’s Mantra?
Reality has a Liberal Bias
( I really need to get tshirts)
Omfg, a month in FB prison????
Sorry long post.
Gets this book
Thank me later.