Saturday, May 22, 2021

Living Like a Child

A friend asked, 
"How is retirement going? What are you doing to keep busy and keep the mind challenged?"

So I collected an outline, because everyone has been or will be asking.
Living Like a Child - an outline of all the things that I am currently doing.

I have recently been keeping touch with a friend from work and we have been discussing "WHAT NOW?"
One path has been to think of a couple strawmen, different ideas to play with, and pick one or two to dig deeper into. 

Examples of my strawmen are:
Machine Learning - I have been dabbling with machine learning for 32+ years. Doing more is clearly something that I really enjoy.
Killing Sacred Cows - there are a number of sacred cows in science, things that the establishment has accepted as truth, but these things have not stood the test of time. It is virtually impossible for a grad student to study against these truths. Dark Matter, Fat is Bad for You,
Data Stuff with Niece - my goddaughter does non-profit stuff and I have free time and some skills. LOL
Rape Kits - we have a ton of processed rape kits. Use DNA databases to find suspected familial trees.
Genetics - drug interactions, stuff, stuff and more stuff. Investigate MY genome.
Two Drug Interaction - After seeing a great TED talk on two drug interactions, and having my own life-threatening interactions, what else is out there??