FPS is being measured by ctrl-R (later by fubar or who knows)
- started in dalaran. road around for a while
- all video is already set to LOW except for particle density
- FPS: 6.5 - 8.2, lat 40 - crappy (used moveanything to move the FPS to better location)
- turned carbonite off (certainly dont need it to raid) - no difference (didnt really expect one)
- pallypower? on my druid? why does this even load if you are not on a pally? wait, can non-pallies config the raid now? interesting
- turned off a bunch of addons (domines buff and cast), epgp (not lootmaster), fubar (but pretty sure that wasnt it), loggerhead
- FPS: 10 - 22, lat 35 - what ??? great, now I have no IDEA which one made the difference